Taurus Aldebaran: Gold Saint from Lost Canvas

Taurus Aldebaran is the Taurus Gold Saint in Lost Canvas. The Taurus Gold Saints are named after the brightest star in the Taurus constellation, and Aldebaran's real name is Rasgado. His nickname is also alternatively spelled, both in the manga and the animation with the forced reading Aldebaran, with the kanji meaning Giant Star.

He is a noble master who treasures his friends and students. He is mentor to Teneo, Salo and Celintha, having once saved their lives, and was chosen by them as their teacher.

Aldebaran is said to be the Gold Saint with the fastest attack. His skill with the Iai Position allows him to maintain his arms crossed during the attack. This also allows him to perform the Great Horn, a fast technique in which he creates a big blast with his palms. His most powerful attack is Titan's Nova, a more powerful version of the Great Horn with only one arm that Aldebaran normally uses on the ground to destroy all the area. The Iai Position is broken when Aldebaran performs it.

Aldebaran's wounds from his fight against Kagaho are torn open again during a fight, but he was able to kill Wimber after discovering that they wanted to kill Tenma. Then his heart is stopped by Dullahan Cube's Death Messenger. In that moment, he has a dream of Sisyphos telling him to win, reminding him how much it hurt Athena when one of her Saints died. Then, Aldebaran performs Titan's Nova, despite his stilled heart, and kills Cube. His dead body is then attacked by Frog Zelos but he is stopped and defeated by Bennu Kagaho. It is later revealed that it was Rasgado who summoned Leo Ilias back to Sanctuary, ten years before the events depicted in Lost Canvas, helping him to protect a village from Specters, and engaging Harpy Valentine in combat.

He last appears in spiritual form during the attack of golden light unleashed by the Gold Saints on Hades.



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