Leo Regulus: Gold Saint of Lost Canvas

Leo Regulus is the Leo Gold Saint in Lost Canvas. He is the youngest of the Gold Saints and has been classified as a combat specialist. He appears to have a very close relationship to Unicorn Yato. He trained under Sagittarius Sisyphos and is considered a prodigy even amongst the Gold Saints, a formidable one-on-one combatant. Regulus used his technique to destroy the ice that surrounded the Ship of Hope, that will be used by Athena to reach the Lost Canvas. The attack was so quick, that the Bronze Saints couldn't see it when it was performed. He engages into a fight with Behemoth Violate, overcoming her tremendous strength two times, the first one when he concentrates his Cosmo in his finger tip, to stop the attack of the Specter. The second time, when he discovers the truth behind Violate's shadow technique, avoiding the attack of the dead, and making them attack her own controller. At the end of the fight, Leo simply fulminates Violate with his Lightning Plasma, with it, Regulus launches multiple punches that travel at the speed of light, similar to Tenma's Pegasus Meteor Fist. If he is using the maximum power of his Cosmo, the technique allows Regulus to throw 100 billion punches per second at his opponents. From the view of his opponent, he would see himself trapped in a net formed by rays of light, which are the traces left by his fist.

After his battle with Violate he was struck by surprise by Aiacos and was retrieved by Yuzuriha. He has been seen reuniting with Athena's army in heaven and together with Sisyphos and Shion he opened the gate to the Lost Canvas with Athena Exclamation. There he survived the voyage through the clouds which turned all non-Gold Saints (except Pegasus) into stone and arrived at the Second Demon Temple, along Shion and Tenma, where he was ensnared by Balron René's whip, being freed thereafter by the Aries Saint, thus proceeding to the next Temple. He was shown arriving to the Saturnus Temple, preparing to engage in battle. Regulus attacks the Wyvern along with Tenma, only to have their attacks negated by the Specter. After the defeat of Partita, Regulus encounters Wyvern in the Saturnus Temple and after studying his physique and technique, Leo locks himself in combat against the Specter, vowing to surpass his power. Furious for revenge, Regulus reveals then to the Wyvern, that he is the son of Leo Ilias, the man who broke off his horn. Regulus reminisces about the quiet life he shared in the past with his father Ilias and engages the Specter without restrain. As Wyvern has attained divinity, Regulus is in clear disadvantage, expecting to revert the situation, he performs the devastating Athena Exclamation unassisted, which he learned from his mentor Sisyphos. The Wyvern effortlessly negates Regulus' attack, who then resorts to summon the power of the twelve constellations, releasing it as a concentrated shockwave known as the Zodiac Clamation. Regulus is consumed by the explosion, which the Wyvern survives unscathed. Having become an incorporeal entity, Regulus attacks the Specter once again, with the potent Lightning Bolt Cosmo burst, which punches through the Specter's Surplice and body with ease. Having inflicted his final attack on the Specter, and fulfilled his destiny as a Saint, Regulus rejoins his father in the afterlife.



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