Virgo Asmita: Gold Saint of Lost Canvas

Virgo Asmita is the Virgo Gold Saint in Lost Canvas. Asmita is blind (being called "the blind Saint"), and says his eyes maintain closed and he can't open them. Asmita has an introspective personality and practices Buddhism in the Sanctuary, something not accepted by Taurus Aldebaran. He does not consider Sasha as a good goddess as she is the sister of Alone and he has thought of betraying and killing her. His ideology remains unchanged until he encounters Pegasus Tenma in the Underworld and recognizes their strength.

Asmita can perform a large number of techniques based on Hinduism and Buddhism tradition, such as Om to flare his Cosmo to the maximum, and the Hā to create a barrier around him. Demon Pacifier is a powerful attack which manifests Asmita's Cosmo physically between his palms. Afterward, a powerful burst of light obliterates any adversary. Six Paths of Transmigration allows Asmita to send his opponent to one of the six rebirth realms of Sasāra doctrine. He is also able to perform Heaven 's Supremacy of spirits of rivers and mountains over evil, summoning spiritual entities that kill the opponents.

His most powerful technique, an offensive and defensive move representing the perfect balance and truth of the universe, is The Treasures of Heavens, which allows him to destroy all five senses of enemies.

Asmita sacrifices himself by awakening the 8th Sense in order to create the 108 counts Mala, so Hades' warriors cannot return to life. In that moment, he also regains his eyesight and before dying he entrusts Athena to Tenma. Still, it seems his soul is bound to Tenma's Cloth by the blood he used to repair it.

In flashbacks, it was revealed that Asmita was also known as the man who is almost a god, and that he prevented Gemini Defteros from killing the Pope and prepared to engage Gemini Aspros on a One Thousand Days War, a battle between Gold Saints. By order of the Pope, Asmita faced Defteros instead, performing his Dharmacakra Mudra allowing the younger Gemini to dissipate his doubts and see his true identity, thus helping him free himself from his brother's control. Later on, Tenma's Pegasus Cloth reaches a new level of endurance due to Asmita's blood.

He last appears in spiritual form during the attack of golden light unleashed by the Gold Saints on Hades.



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