Pisces Albafica: Gold Saint of Lost Canvas

Pisces Albafica is the Pisces Gold Saint in Lost Canvas. Extremely beautiful, living amidst a poisonous rose field for years, he gains absolute immunity towards any kind of poison, although that power comes with a great price. Due to living in that very same poisonous environment, his blood too turned poisonous after excessive exposure. This led him to be considered as extremely cold because despite his striking beauty, he tends to avoid contact with people.

Albafica uses three types of roses with different offensive abilities, his Royal Demon Rose, the red rose, damages the opponents by destroying their senses, the Piranhan Rose, a black rose, is a directly offensive rose that devours everything upon contact and the Bloody Rose, a white rose, drains the blood of the victim to death and can also detect and follow the enemy's heart wherever it may be. Albafica can also create a sea of Royal Demon Roses to damage anyone in the vicinity. His poisonous blood too, when drawn, can be used in an attack called Crimson Thorn, creating crimson mist and then innumerable needles made of his poisonous blood clots capable of directly administrating poison into his victim's veins.

Despite an easy victory over Deep Niobe, Albafica is unable to match up to the power of Griffon Minos. He therefore uses a Bloody Rose that has been turned red by a pool of his own poisonous blood and so manages to administrate the poison in Minos' veins. But because of the large amount of blood consumed in the diversion, he too dies shortly. In the very last moments of his life, after despising his poisonous roses for years because of the curse they put upon his blood, he finally finds them beautiful.

He last appears in spiritual form during the attack of golden light unleashed by the Gold Saints on Hades.



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