GARO 2: GARO Makai Battle Chronicle the new GARO series confirmed

GARO, a new TV series will be launch for produce. The spinoff of KIBA will be released this autumn

The new Garo series confirmed entitled GARO Makai Battle Chronicle. As for now there is no spoilers about this series.

GARO is special effect film series which was on air at TV Tokyo in 2005 was targeted to relatively older age. The concept of the world that came out from Director Keita Amamiya's intricate works, and the action scene used latest CG, VFX technologies were adhered by many fans.

And with its popularities, The new movie "GARO: RED REQUIEM" was produced in October 2010 and was on road show in 3D, that it had tremendous reaction from the audience.

It became clear that this expansion of "GARO" will go on for awhile. They decided to make a new TV series which is continuation of the first series and set up teaser site.

The time line of the air and detail of the series are not clear, but will be updated at official site. It will be long awaiting for the fans.

And they also decided to release KIBA in Blue-ray Disc, and in DVD which is spin-off work from first series. 

This story's main character will be set on the Dark Knight KIBA who was archnemesis of GARO who came on at first TV series of GARO.

Barago lost his mother by the beast Horror while he was young, while he was striving to be mightiest Knight and be facing hardship, he will know of Mesia which is archaeornis of Horror. It portrays the process of him started to be enchanted by the dark power.

It will be released on September 7th, the price of BD is 6090yen including tax, and the price of DVD is 5040yen including tax, and in both of them has length of 45minute of the story and also bonus materials such as; making of the movie, preview film etc and liner notes are also included.



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