The Bermuda Triangle aka the Devil's Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and surface vessels reportedly disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

Popular culture has attributed these disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings. Documented evidence indicates that a significant percentage of the incidents were inaccurately reported or embellished by later authors, and numerous official agencies have stated that the number and nature of disappearances in the region is similar to that in any other area of ocean.

The boundaries of the triangle cover the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas and the entire Caribbean island area and the Atlantic east to the Azores. The more familiar triangular boundary in most written works has as its points somewhere on the Atlantic coast of Miami; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda, with most of the accidents concentrated along the southern boundary around the Bahamas and the Florida Straits.

The area is one of the most heavily traveled shipping lanes in the world, with ships crossing through it daily for ports in the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands. Cruise ships are also plentiful, and pleasure craft regularly go back and forth between Florida and the islands. It is also a heavily flown route for commercial and private aircraft heading towards Florida, the Caribbean, and South America from points north.

Lawrence David Kusche, a research librarian from Arizona State University and author of The Bermuda Triangle Mystery: Solved (1975) argued that many claims of Gaddis and subsequent writers were often exaggerated, dubious or unverifiable. Kusche's research revealed a number of inaccuracies and inconsistencies between Berlitz's accounts and statements from eyewitnesses, participants, and others involved in the initial incidents. Kusche noted cases where pertinent information went unreported, such as the disappearance of round-the-world yachtsman Donald Crowhurst, which Berlitz had presented as a mystery, despite clear evidence to the contrary. Another example was the ore-carrier recounted by Berlitz as lost without trace three days out of an Atlantic port when it had been lost three days out of a port with the same name in the Pacific Ocean. Kusche also argued that a large percentage of the incidents that sparked allegations of the Triangle's mysterious influence actually occurred well outside it. Often his research was simple: he would review period newspapers of the dates of reported incidents and find reports on possibly relevant events like unusual weather, that were never mentioned in the disappearance stories.

Kusche concluded that:
The number of ships and aircraft reported missing in the area was not significantly greater, proportionally speaking, than in any other part of the ocean.

In an area frequented by tropical storms, the number of disappearances that did occur were, for the most part, neither disproportionate, unlikely, nor mysterious; furthermore, Berlitz and other writers would often fail to mention such storms.

The numbers themselves had been exaggerated by sloppy research. A boat's disappearance, for example, would be reported, but its eventual (if belated) return to port may not have been.

Some disappearances had, in fact, never happened. One plane crash was said to have taken place in 1937 off Daytona Beach, Florida, in front of hundreds of witnesses; a check of the local papers revealed nothing.

The legend of the Bermuda Triangle is a manufactured mystery, perpetuated by writers who either purposely or unknowingly made use of misconceptions, faulty reasoning, and sensationalism.

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Snow White and the Huntsman: an upcoming action fantasy drama film

Snow White and the Huntsman is an upcoming action fantasy drama film directed by Rupert Sanders and written by Evan Daugherty. The film is currently in post-production and is slated for release on June 1, 2012 in the United States

In a kingdom ruled by tyranny, the queen Ravenna (Charlize Theron) learns that her stepdaughter, Snow White (Kristen Stewart), will surpass her as ruler of her kingdom and become the Fairest in the land. However, she is told by the Magic Mirror (Christopher Obi) that if she, Ravenna, consumes Snow White's heart then she will live forever, but Snow White is able to escape into the Dark Forest. To capture her the Queen recruits a Huntsman, Eric (Chris Hemsworth), to retrieve Snow White. However, the Huntsman takes pity on the girl and instead of killing her brings her under his wing and with his help Snow White begins to learn the art of war. She starts a rebellion to bring down Ravenna with the aid of eight dwarves and Prince William (Sam Claflin), who has been in love with Snow White for many years.
Snow White and The Huntsman has just released his latest photographs, as presented in Kristen Stewart Photo that is so beautiful. Charlize Theron showing her picture that is so fitting with his character as The Evil Queen is cool and very evil. While Kristen Stewart, already start in Twilight Breaking Dawn , is shown as a formidable character Snow White. Snow White is not a graceful and ‘sweet’ as in the tale, but here the cast of Snow White Christian who was a mighty warrior woman. The Huntsman, played by Chris Hemsworth has been doing well shown here as a figure that will be involved in an affair with Snow White.

Since the work by the same producers who worked on the Alice in Wonderland Tim Burton’s work, were clearly visible dark fairy tale aura and style that is almost the same as signing the film. Indicates that this film is not a fairy tale for children as long as this is already known. Anyway see also Snow White and the Huntsman trailer bellow:

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The Avengers Extended Trailer

Nick Fury and the international agency S.H.I.E.L.D. bring together a team of super humans to form The Avengers to help save the Earth from Loki & his various membered army.

Here's the extended trailer of the most awaited superhero movie in 2012, The Avengers.

READ MORE - The Avengers Extended Trailer

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